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Our ​Mission


We provide print resources for developing and deepening the spiritual life. These include devotional guides, prayer cards and resources, outlines, articles and reflections on different Christian spiritual practices, and bibiographies of books and other resources for the Spiritual Journey.

Workshop and Retreat Resources

We provide retreats, workshops and workshop materials,  as well as a variety of sermons, devotions and essays to assist individuals and groups in exploring, developing and deepening their Spiritual Life. Our material invites people to open up in new ways to the Spiritual Journey that is calling them to deeper faith , practice and service.

Worship and Music

We also have a diverse collection of worship and musical resources to open the heart, mind and spirit  to a greater awareness of God in all of life. These include psalm settings, scriptured based music, refrains and simple choruses, sung prayers and songs to enhance the private and communal worship experience.

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